"Smarter Bombs? - Women and Children as Suicide Bombers"
Lecture and Discussion with Dr. Anat Berko
When: Thursday, March 7th, 2013, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Linienstr. 139, 10115 Berlin
Chair: Konstantin Bethscheider, MFFB
Event in English language. Please register at info(at)mideastfreedomforum(dot)org
Please also invite your contacts via facebook.
The suicide bomber, like no other figure of modern terrorism, is consistently in the center of public attention. But while the story of the virgins waiting in paradise long since solidified into a popular stereotype, the motivations of the female bombers usually are, at best, the subject of wild speculation. And yet it is just the environment of the female suicide bombers that conveys the deepest insights into the workings of Islamic-fundamentalist networks and societies. The Israeli psychologist Dr. Anat Berko spoke to many female suicide bombers about their desires, motivations and fears and collected the results in the book "Smart Bombs - Women and Children as Suicide Bombers". We would like to invite you to a discussion with one of the leading terrorism researchers about these studies.
Dr. Anat Berko is a globally recognized expert whose research particularly deals with the psychology of suicide bombers. She is a an adviser to numerous international government officials. 2008-2009 a Professor at George Washington University, Dr. Berko now is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya/Israel. In addition to that, she also holds classes at the affiliated Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Security, as well as NATO, US-Congress and State Department, security and military services and a variety of universities around the globe. Dr. Berko has a PhD in Criminology and is the author of "The Path to Paradise: The Inner World of Suicide Bombers and their dispatchers."