The Mykonos-Restaurant Murder Case in Berlin 1992 - How German Judiciary contained Iranian State Terrorism

Lecture and debate with former German Federal Public Prosecutor Bruno Jost
When: Thursday, September 17, 2015, 7 p.m.
Where: Hörsaal 207, Institut für Buch- und Informationswissenschaften at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Dorotheenstraße 26
Registration is required: anmeldung(at)mideastfreedomforum(dot)org
The event is in German language
On September 17 1992 three Kurdish-Iranian politicians in exile and one of their companions were killed in the Berlin restaurant Mykonos. The following three and a half years of trial at the Berlin Court of Appeal not only revealed how the Iranian intelligence was able to commit state terrorism in the middle of Germany. The "Mykonos" trial also revealed how the German judiciary got under immense pressure both from foreign circles and from the German administration while investigating the crime.
23 years after the assassinations former German Federal Attorney Bruno Jost, describes in his lecture the extraordinary proceedings and outcome of the "Mykonos" trial.
Bruno Jost was a prosecutor in various judicial authorities until he became the Chief Prosecutor at Germany's Federal High Court in 1992 and was responsible for crimes against the internal security of the Federal Republic, then he joined the Department of Foreign Security, was Head of Unit and Federal Prosecutor at the Federal High Court. From October 2003 to June 2007, he was Security Officer of the Attorney General. From December 2003 he took also the position of deputy head of department for the field of espionage, treason and CCAIL. After his retirement in 2009, he was appointed in 2012 to the federal-state commission investigating the neo-Nazi NSU murders which presented its report in 2013.