
"Gaza, the coming Flottilla and International Law"

Panel discussion on May 26,2011
7:00 pm, Centrum Judaicum, Oranienburger Straße 28-30, Berlin

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One year after the first Gaza-Flotilla, this panel will look back at the events surrounding the boarding of the Mavi Marvara. The questions raised back then are still highly relevant, because a second and far bigger flotilla is already announced and will try to reach Gaza in a few weeks. The panel will discuss questions of International Law of the Seas, the organizers and supporters of the Gaza Flotilla as well as the political, humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.



Prof. Dr. Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg:

Prof. Dr. Heintschel von Heinegg is expert for international law and Law of the Sea at the University Frankfurt (Oder). He was member of the Turkel Commission, which the Israeli government established in the summer of 2010 to examine the Gaza Flotilla incidents. He is regarded as an eminent authority regarding maritime law and will talk about the findings of the international commission.

Dr. jur. Tilman Tarach

Dr. jur. Tilman Tarach lives and works in Freiburg (Breisgau). He is author of „The Eternal Scapegoat“, a study about enmity towards Israel. He will talk about the Islamist, leftist and other participants of the Flotilla and their broad coalition of supporters.  

Jonathan Weckerle

Jonathan Weckerle is political scientist and member of the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin. He lives in Berlin and has written about Iran, anti-Semitism, Islamism and Israel. He will analyze the actual living conditions and the political situation in the Gaza Strip.


Sebastian Mohr, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin